• CIPHERLAB 2220 Omnidirectional Presentation Scanner (UHF RFID) in Paso de Ovejas

CIPHERLAB 2220 Omnidirectional Presentation Scanner (UHF RFID) in Paso de Ovejas

Manufacturer/Brand CIPHERLAB
Availability In-Stock
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Warranty Offsite

Description of CIPHERLAB 2220 Omnidirectional Presentation Scanner (UHF RFID)

The 2220 model is an omnidirectional presentation scanner that combines features of 1D/2D barcode scanning and UHF RFID reading. It is capable of instantly reading RFID tags, up to 20 cm reading range, and identify products clearly for quick and easy checkout.

Industry Use:


  • Retail
  • Hospitality
  • Transportation

Key-Features of CIPHERLAB 2220 Omnidirectional Presentation Scanner (UHF RFID)

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Technical Specification of CIPHERLAB 2220 Omnidirectional Presentation Scanner (UHF RFID)

Data capture2D Imager and UHF RFID
Optical sensorCMOS Image Sensor 1280 x 800 pixels
Light sourceLED RED 620 nm
Resolution1D - 3mil / PDF417 - 5mil / 2D - 7mil
Depth of fieldCode 39 3 mil: 0 to 5 cm / 0 to 2.0 in.
QR Code 7 mil: 0.5 to 2.5 cm / 0.2 to 1.0 in.
EAN13 13mil: 0 to 20 cm / 0 to 7.9 in.
PDF417 5mil: 1 to 6 cm / 0.4 to 2.4 in.
Pitch, skewPitch ± 70°, Skew ± 75°
Print contrast25%
Hands-free scanningPresentation mode
Barcodes supported1D: Codabar, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128, GS1 DataBar (RSS), Industrial 2 of 5, Interleave 2 of 5, ISBT-128, Italian and French Pharmacodes, Matrix 2 of 5, MSI, Plessey, Telepen, UPC/EAN/GS1-128, Code 11
2D: PDF417, MicroPDF417, Data Matrix, QR code, Micro QR Code, Aztec, MaxiCode, Composite Codes
RFID read/writeFrequency:
North America: 902 - 928 MHz,
Europe: 865 - 868 MHz,
Taiwan: 922 - 928 MHz,
China: 920 - 925 MHz,
Korea: 917.3 - 920.3 MHz,
Support Tag Type: ISO 18000-6C, EPCglobal Class1 Gen2 (Standard), EPCglobal Class1 Gen2V2 (Standard)
Size83 x 80 x 150 mm / 3.3 x 3.2 x 5.9 in
Weight380g / 13 oz.
Impact resistance1.5 m (4.9 ft) multiple drops onto concrete, IP52

Technical Support of CIPHERLAB 2220 Omnidirectional Presentation Scanner (UHF RFID)

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